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polonia.travelAttrazioni turisticheNaturaLookout Tower in Gawrych Ruda

Lookout Tower in Gawrych Ruda


Tipo di unità:


Wigierski Park Narodowy
Gawrych Ruda
Provincia: PODLASKIE

To the north the view stretches over the Okrągłe Lake, to the south – over the Wigierka Bay, the westernmost part of Lake Wigry.
To the north the view stretches over the Okrągłe Lake, to the south – over the Wigierka Bay, the westernmost part of Lake Wigry. The tower is located near the “U Jawora” tourist complex, by the A. Patla Green Route. In the vicinity there are jetties over the Wigry Lake, water equipment rental and a beach. The nearby tourist complex has a bar which serves refreshments. The tower allows observation of waterfowl: swans, grebes, common mergansers, Eurasian coots, common goldeneyes and others. If you are lucky you may see a marsh harrier circling above your head.


Gawrych Ruda
Provincia: PODLASKIE
Latitudine e longitudine: 54.0194,22.9849
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